
We place great importance on the audio part of AV and will guide you through the process of selecting the right audio for your environment, budget and requirements.

Audio in itself if a huge category and covers an array of solutions and applications. It can be simply a pair of speakers and amplifier to complement a large display or can be a custom solution mounted on to the bottom of a touch screen kiosk in a gallery.  

Audio sound has impact. It should compliment the video and/or the environment where it is located. It should be clear, balanced and designed with the environment and requirements in mind. What size is the room ? How many people are likely to be present ? What do you want to hear ?  

We place great importance on the audio part of audio visual and will guide you through the process of selecting the right solution for your environment, budget and requirements.  

Here are a few examples : 

Dedicated audio solution provided for interactive touch kiosks to enhance the user experience, rather than just having the sound from the panel. Equipment used – Small and discreet amplifier and dedicated and selected to match the design of the Kiosk. 

Town Hall Scenario

Amplifier, hand held microphone and pendant speakers fitted into kitchen area of corporate customer to hold general meetings.

School Assembly Hall

Large wall mounted speakers mounted and combined with mixer, microphones, music source and microphones to pickup live music on the school stage.

To ensure you get the most from any audio system, we will always design to be user friendly. This provides the best return on your investment and means the system is benefiting anyone who uses it, not just the techie people.   

Irrespective of complexity, location, usage or  requirements, we have the expertise to be able to design the perfect system to meet all your needs.